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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Ontopia & Topic Map Tools
Ontopia has prepared a number of resources covering topic maps. If you are new to topic maps you will probably want to start with the "What" and "Why" of topic maps. Here we can find tools for TM data, OMNIGATOR.
2   Link   Topic Map Query Language, Use Cases
This document is part of the effort to define a standard query language for Topic Maps (TMQL, ISO18048) and as such describes possible use scenarios from both, an application oriented view, but also more detailed in terms of retrieved topic map conte
3   Link   Tolog (Query Language for Topic Maps) Tutorial
This document is about tutorial to TOLOG, a Query Language for Topic Maps developed by ONTOPIA. <b>At the end of this document, there are two links for further reading</b>
5   Link   The XML Papers : Lessons on Applying Topic Maps
This paper describes some of the basic steps in applying topic maps in a real world application, a topic map-driven web portal of conference papers. It covers the tasks of collecting and examining source data, defining an ontology and populating a to
6   Link   Selected Advance Resources: Companies, Products & Tools
A Topic Map Tutorial by Steve Pepper, Alexander Sigel, Ingrid Schmidt & Carolin Müller.
7   Link   Topic Maps - Part 2: Data Model
This document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment.This ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO.
8   Link   Topic Maps Self-Control
Power Point Presentation by Hans Holger Rath, STEP Electronic Publishing Solutions GmbH
9   Link   Topic Maps and the Ontological World
Power Point Presentation by Dr. H. Holger Rath, Director Research & Development empolis GmbH, –
10   Link   Intro to Topic Maps (Power Point)
by Dr. Holger Rath, Director Research and Development empolis GmbH
11   Link   XML Topic Maps (XTM) 1.0, TopicMaps.Org Specification
12   Link   The Linear Topic Map Notation
This technical report defines version 1.2 of the Linear Topic Map Notation, also known as LTM. It provides both an introduction and a formal definition, the latter in the form of a complete EBNF specification given at the end of the document
13   Link   Living with topic maps and RDF
This compares the two technologies and looks at ways to make it easier for users to live in a world where both technologies are used. This is done by looking at how to convert information back and forth between the two technologies, how to convert sc
14   Link   EasyTopicMaps
Topic maps are a standard for managing metadata (somewhat similar to RDF). They can be used to generate navigation for a website, and for lots of other metadata tasks. Topic maps are a new standard (since ± 2000) and are slowly becoming more popular
15   Link   TM4J - Topic Maps For Java
The goal of the TM4J Project is to develop robust, open-source tools for creating, manipulating and publishing topic maps. The project currently consists of the following sub-projects: TM4J Engine, TMNav, Panckoucke, TM4Web